![Java begginer [Uzbek]](/uploads/logos/90/p8ngvoxq.png)
Java begginer [Uzbek]
O'zbek tilida Havolaga o'tishJavadan boshlang'ich video darslar - o'zbek tilida
1 Istalling the JDK,Downloading Eclipse,Hello Java
2 Variables
3 Promotion and Casting
4 Wrapper Class and Initialization
5 System Class and Console Print
6 Keyboard Input
7 If Statement
9 for ~break,continue,label
10 while, do~while
11 Methods
12 return Method
13 Array
14 Enhanced for Loop
15 Arrays in Methods
16 Multidimensional Arrays
17 Variable Length Arguments
18 Class Introduction
19 Constructor and Overloading
20 this and this()
21 Garbage Collector
22 private, public, protected, package
23 Getter, Setter(Encapsulation)
24 Static
25 final
26 Inner Class
27 static Inner Class
28 Local Inner Class
29 anonymous Inner Class
30 Inheritance (extends Object and Classes)
31 this and super Methods
32 this and super with Variables
33 Overriding
34 Abstraction
35 Interfaces
36 Thread
37 Thread APIs
38 Thread Synchronization
39 Exception,try~catch~final, throw
40 Set,Map HashSet,Hashtable,HashMap
41 List,ArrayList, instanceof
42 Creating File
43 Write and Read Text in File
44 Write and Read Object in File
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