10 yillik uyqudan bugun uyg'ongan taqdiringizda full-stack dasturlashga qanday kirishish mumkin
Menda faoliyat yo'nalishini o'zgartirish to'g'risida savol tug'ildi va veb-dasturchi bo'lish uchun 10 yil avvalgi bilim yetarli emasligini tushundim
Как подступиться к fullstack-разработке сегодня, если ты проспал десять лет
Привет, Хабр! Несколько месяцев назад у меня остро встал вопрос смены профиля деятельности и я обнаружил, что для претендента на вакансию web-разработчика сейч...
HABR.COMDasturchi mahoratini baholash jadvali
E'tibor bering, har bir darajadagi bilimlar kumulyativdir: n darajasida bo'lish, siz n-dan past darajadagi hamma narsani bilishingizni anglatadi
Programmer Competency Matrix
Note that the knowledge for each level is cumulative; being at level n implies that you also know everything from the levels lower than n. Computer Science 2n (Level 0) n2 (Level 1) n (Level 2) log…
SIJINJOSEPH.COMHaqiqiy "Senior" dasturchini nima belgilab beradi?
Dasturlash dunyosida siz uzoq vaqtdan beri dastur ishlab chiquvchi bo'lib ishlab kelayotganingiz sizni zo'r mutaxassisga aylantirmaydi
Что определяет настоящего “Senior” разработчика?
В мире программирования один лишь факт того, что вы долго работаете разработчиком, не делает из вас отличного специалиста.
NUANCESPROG.RUMySQL'da ierarxik ma'lumotlarni boshqarish
MySQL ma'lumotlar bazasi tizimida ierarxik ma'lumotlarni qanday saqlash va boshqarish turlari haqida ajoyib tahlil
Managing Hierarchical Data in MySQL — Mike Hillyer's Personal Webspace
Introduction Most users at one time or another have dealt with hierarchical data in a SQL database and no doubt learned that the management of hierarchical data is not what a relational database is intended for. The tables of a relational database are not hierarchical (like XML), but are simply a flat list. Hierarchical data … Continue reading "Managing Hierarchical Data in MySQL"
MIKEHILLYER.COMReact Native bilan Flutterni o'zaro taqqoslash
Maqolada mobil telefonlar uchun krossplatformali ilova yaratish uchun foydalanadigan React Native va Flutter freymvorklari chuqur tahlil qilingan
Flutter vs React-Native: comparison in depth
Hi, folks! Flutter is a technology on hype in mobile development nowadays. New applications are picking it up as a technology of choice, and even old ones are getting rewritten in Flutter, without proper justification though. I would like to provide a strong foundation on what you need to consider